Pavel Matoušek

Pavel Matoušek
+420 721670978

Artist, PhD candidate, works and lives in Ústí nad Labem and Prague, Czech republic
Freelance Photographer, Photogrammetry researcher, Member of Farmstudio

Pavel Matoušek (b. 1989) is a freelance conceptual photographer and artist based in Ústí nad Labem. Raised in a village near Prague, he was always drawn to the worlds of nature and art. He received MFA in Photography in 2017 and is currently a PhD student of Visual communication, focused on art-based research on photogrammetry image perception. His project is aimed to describe the 3D scanning process for general audience and institutions. Pavel’s art projects were presented in Portugal, Finland, Germany or France. He worked on international documentary projects in Ladakh, India, Netherlands and Kenya, and has been recognized by the US Embassy Prague, DPreview Readers’ Best Shots of 2016 or World Biennial of Student Photography. His photogrammetry work was commissioned by CyArk or UNESCO.

Open for commissions and 3D workflow guidance


PhD  ongoing   Visual Communication at Faculty of Art and Design, J. E. Purkyně University FUD UJEP (CZ), advisor Ludvík Hlaváček
MFA  2010 – 2017   Photography at FUD UJEP (CZ), prof. Pavel Baňka and Lukáš Jasanský

2015 – 2016   Faculdade de Belas Artes, University of Porto (PT)
August 2015   Salzburg Summer Academy of Art – prof. Maha Maamoun (AT)
2012 – 2013   Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu – prof. Ismo Luukkonen, Turku (FI)

solo exhibitions

2022 „KM 180“, with Jan C. Löbl, In Vitro gallery, Ústí nad Labem (CZ) »
2022 „rethinking nature“, postpost gallery, Brno (CZ) »
2022 „Big City Life“, Město gallery, Chomutov (CZ) » » »
2022 „Outside the Axis “, with Václav Dvořák, Edikula gallery, Brno (CZ) » »
2021 „Center is the new Countryside“, Löblhof & Artgrund studio, Staňkovice (CZ) » »
2020 „Eye is a Palindrome“, Jelení gallery of FCCA, Prague (CZ) » » » »
2020 „As they say“, Moving Station, Plzeň (CZ) » » »
2020 „In Vivo“, Makráč gallery, Prague (CZ) » » » »
2019 „Natura Vincit“, with Jaromír Harna, Photogether gallery, Zlín (CZ) » » » »
2019 „Light Years“, Mimochodem art space, Prague (CZ) » » » » » »
2019 „Men in Gardens / Les Mecs dans le Jardin“ + 3 weeks art residency, with Alžběta Kočvarová, Anis Gras, Paris (FR) » » » » » » »
2019 „Images of Experience“, Důl Hlubina, Ostrava – Dolní Vítkovice (CZ) » » » »
2018 „Backstage“, with Tomáš Lumpe, Genau Project, Kutná Hora (CZ) » »
2018 „Jong Belegen“, Řeznická Theater, Prague (CZ) »
2018 „The Pastures of Heaven“, Ahoj Nazdar Čau Gallery, Liberec (CZ) » » »
2018 „Men in Gardens“, with Alžběta Kočvarová, ROJ, Prague (CZ) »
2017 „Silent Years“, Bludný kámen Cella + Hovorny Gallery, Opava (CZ)»
2017 „Island of Islands“, K. H. Mácha library, Litoměřice (CZ) »
2016 „Through Landscapes“, with Jiří Kubový, City gallery Litvínov (CZ) »
2015 „The Source“, UKG Ukradená galerie, Děčín (CZ)
2011 „Counting Sheep“, Gallery 105, Ústí nad Labem (CZ)

selected group exhibitions, events

Curator for „Two sailors were looking for a boat and lost water“, Fotogo, Ostrava (CZ) » » catalog »
„All the Flowers of the World“, GKK Klenová castle (CZ) »
Curator for „In the Raindrops“, Fotogo, Ostrava (CZ) » » catalog »
Curator for „Too High of a Step“, Fotogo, Ostrava (CZ) »
„Rethinking Nature“, Mois européen de la photographie Luxembourg (Casino Luxembourg), IMAGO Lisboa ( São Lázaro), FOTO WIEN Festival Center   » » »
„VTK“, Výstavní síň města Dvůr Králové (CZ) » » » »
Curator for „The Sensitive Stump“, Fotogo, Ostrava (CZ) » » catalog: »
„Slide Show: Rethinking Nature“, FOTO WIEN fest (AT) » »
„Rodná hrouda“, East Bohemian gallery, Pardubice (CZ) » » » »
„In the Garden“, Fotografic, Prague (CZ) » » » » » » »
„The Velvet Exhibition“, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem (CZ) » »
„St. Lazarus Hospice charity auction show”, The Old Synagogue of Pilsen (CZ) » »
„Photographers of the GKK collection“, Klenová castle (CZ) » »
„Videolands“, MOMus @ Experimental Center for the Arts, Thessaloniki (GR) » »
„Again and Again“, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem (CZ) » » »
„Ten Seas“, Pragovka gallery, Prague (CZ) » » » »
„TRN 2018“, Nepomuk – artist in residence (CZ) » »
„Ten Seas“, Nitra gallery (SK) » » »
„Zámek je pestrý“, Valeč castle (CZ) »
„200 Photos“, Galerie G4, Cheb (CZ) » »
„Wooden Web“, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin (DE) » »
„World Biennial of Student Photography“, MoCAV, Novi Sad (SR) » »
„Vnitrobloky“, Galerie Hraničář, Ústí nad Labem (CZ) »
„Wooden Web“, Blaue Fabrik, Dresden (DE) »
„Diploma Works 2017“, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem (CZ) »
„Medium Loci“, OGV Alternativa, Jihlava  (CZ) » »
„Vis Naturae“, Altán Klamovka, Prague (CZ) »
„Inventura“, U Bílého Jednorožce, Galerie Klatovy Klenová (CZ) » »
„13+1“, Altán Klamovka, Prague (CZ) »
„Wooden Web“ Galerie Sýpka, Osová Bítýška (CZ) »
Artworks for Sinutec baroque chapel (CZ) » »
Medium Loci“, Runde Ecke – Riesa Efau, Dresden(DE) » »
„Words and Pictures“ Brno – Hong Kong »
„Holandês Voador e Terra Primeira“, Galeria João Ramalho, Porto (PT) »
„Medium Loci“, SINNLICHKEIT Fest, JVA Magdeburg (DE) » »
„Action Auction“, Galerie Aula, Poznan (PL) »
„Únik z dimenze obrazu“, Galerie U Prstenu, Prague (CZ) »
„51 Shades of Grey“, Galerie D9, České Budějovice (CZ) » »
„Na hranici – Grenznah“, Školská 28, Prague (CZ) »
„Medium Loci“, NoD Mini, Prague (CZ) » »
„Medium Loci“, NF Gallery, Ústí nad Labem (CZ) » »
„Cyklus“, KIN Gallery, Prague (CZ) » »
15th Symposium Strömungen: „Kraut und Rüben“, Dresden (DE) »
„Na hranici – Grenznah“, Tummelplatz (DE) » »
„V zahradě Symposium“, Ploskovice chateau (CZ) »
„Conis Albus“, Ateliér Síň – artist in residence, Telč (CZ) »
„NAD ČAROU – Jednosměrná zpátky“, DOX Gallery, Prague (CZ) » » »
„Mixela: Architecture“, Ateliér Kolbenka, Prague (CZ) »
„OFF Station Photo Fest“, train station, Plzeň (CZ) »
„Vi veri veniversum vivus vici”, Karlovy Vary (CZ) »
„Univerzita Předlice: Poesialita”, NG Veletržní palác, Prague (CZ) »
„Art for a Reason“, Titanik Gallery, Turku (FI) »
„Oheň z vody vykouzliti“, Ján Šmok Gallery, Jihlava (CZ) »
Co-founder of In Vitro Gallery
„Schrödinger’s chair“, Činoherní studio, Ústí nad Labem (CZ)
„Nori Sawa“, Voice4Vision Puppet Gallery, New York (USA)

We Portray Ordinary Things. Naturally, we mostly care about the visual properties, design and quality of the object, that may not always be apparent. All the seemingly unrelated motives gradually meet in a visual dialogue which offers a deeper personal statement, enriched by its installation in the exhibition space. We focus on the rhythm, lines, space, surface and universal signs in images. – Jana Stejskalová on the Ten Seas exhibition

awards, media, conferences

2021 „Society, Education, Culture. Human & Technologies at PUNO“ PhD conference presentation, London (UK) »
2020 „PERSPECTIVES — Educational Aspects of Technologies of Imaging in the Perspective of Visual Literacy“ PhD conference presentation, Ústí nad Labem (CZ) »
2019 „Cybiosis: Shaping Human-Technology Futures “ PhD conference presentation, Nida (LT) »
2018 „We cannot see what we do not know“ PhD conference speech, Prague (CZ) » »
2018 „Jozef Jankovič – Flow of Time“ side project projection, Olomouc Museum of Art »
2011 – 2018  FUD UJEP scholarships for excellent results
2017 grant for Magnum Photos portfolio review, Visa pour l’image, Perpignan (FR)
2016, 2017 Fresh Eye Image Versus speech » »
2016 DPReview Readers’ Best Shots: People, 2nd place »
2016 selected for Fotograf Festival portfolio review, National Gallery, Prague (CZ) »
2012, 2015 Renaissance Fund scholarship »
2015 Young Community Leaders scholarship US Embassy Prague
2015 Arte Público international conference Santo Tirso (PT) »
2015 ČVUT Photography for Cultural Heritage protection use workshop
2014 EU UNIV 3 Photography lecturing certification »
2010 Winston EconArt 1st prize
2009 Nicholas Winton Train finalist
2016 OLS CEFR English certification C2 level » ; 2018 PhD state English exam

in collection: Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague (CZ), Galerie Klatovy Klenová (CZ), Nepomuk townhall (CZ), private collections
published in: We cannot see what we do not know catalog » », Fotografové GKK catalog, SaBuGaM Nitra gallery catalog 2018 », article », Inventura GKK catalog », Through Landscapes catalog », Moravská Třebová Photofest catalog,
World Biennial Of Student Photography Novi Sad catalog », ABART »

• All images © 2024 Pavel Matoušek / MgA. Pavel Matoušek, fyzická os. v ŽR od 2017. Místo podnikání: Poláčkova 4, 400 11 Ústí nad Labem, IČ: 06239439